1. What are the most popular places to visit in Nepal?

Depending on the kind of journey you wish to undertake, Nepal has a myriad of options when it comes to trekking and tours. For Himalayan journeys, we have the popular Annapurna, Everest, Langtang, and Dolpo Region trekked by thousands during the season. If you wish for a less crowded trail you can opt for the Manaslu Circuit, Tsum Valley, or Upper Mustang to name a few. If you wish to avoid the Himalayas all together you have then you can Nepal City Tour around the popular cities including Chitwan, Kathmandu, and Pokhara touring through the UNESCO world heritage sites.

2. Do you have to be rich to Travel to Nepal?

No, it is not necessary to be rich to travel to Nepal. But, your budget is totally determined by the kind of journey you are setting off for and the quality of services you use. While it is not always necessary that quality increases with a higher price, it is the general way of things. If you wish to travel to Nepal and seek to stay at 5 stars hotels and use the best services possible, you will need a higher budget than staying at a good enough hotel and using similar services.

3. How do I book Nepal Trekking?

More often than not, you can join our trekking dates which are already pre-planned by the company, and booking can be done online. You will be asked to deposit a certain amount into the bank for its confirmation. For tailored packages, you can get in touch with us, and then we can plan for the trip ahead. For more information regarding booking our trips, refer to the information on our Contact Us page. 

4. How can I contact you?

You can contact us via e-mail, telephone, and website or by directly dropping by our office. All the contact information including our address, the telephone number is provided on our website. We are available 24/7 and will provide you with a prompt response to your queries.

5. How can I tell if you are a reputable Local Tour Trekking Company in Nepal?

Our reputation is entirely based on the satisfaction of our clients. You can determine our quality through the reviews of our customers which are posted directly on our website. Registering at Trip Advisor also provides us with ratings that can be used to determine how good we are.

6. What will the weather be like?

The weather depends on the season you wish to trek and the area you wish to journey to. The Terai gets extremely hot during the summer with temperatures reaching up to 35- 36 degrees Celsius, the hills fall under the range of 20-30 degrees Celsius while the Himalayas are always cold. Winters are pretty cold and can reach very low temperatures during the night. More Details about Weather in Nepal

7. When is the best time to go to Nepal?

While you can journey into the nation throughout the year, travelers mostly prefer making the trip to the Himalayas during the months of March/ April/ May when spring is beginning to settle, or during the months of September/ October/ November which signals the final phase of autumn. You can trek throughout the year except during the rainy and winter seasons.

8. Are there any age restrictions?

There are no official age restrictions imposed by the government of Nepal. However, it is recommended to not trek alongside children under 8 years or adults over 70 years, especially, if you are going for difficult treks into the Himalayas. However, we do recommend hiring an extra porter in case things get difficult for the children or adults during the trek. Providing prior information for horse riding and back riding is also essential if you want those services to be available during the trips.

9. What type of person do I have to be? I’ve never done anything like this before.

You do not have to have someone with rippling muscles to enjoy trekking. Experience is only needed if you are going for challenging treks, peak climbing, or expeditions. For most of the treks throughout Nepal, sound fitness levels and a Himalayan spirit to enjoy the trek are more than enough. However, we advise you to have travel and medical insurance and inform us of any medical conditions you might have before the trip officially begins.

10. Will I find the trip difficult?

If you are going mountain climbing or taking on challenging routes you will face a certain degree of difficulty. We, at Ace Vision Treks, provide ample acclimatization time for travelers to adapt to the altitude. Thus, you will have a comfortable time while traveling. However, with most of the treks including the base camps, the journey is relatively easy and you will get familiar with the trail in no time. As for tours, they generally occur close to cities so, you have no reason to worry about the difficulty or modern amenities for the journey.

11. Why should I travel with Ace Vision Treks?

We have been in the Nepalese travel scene for a long time and the reviews of our clients speak for themselves. With quality at the heart of everything we do alongside the satisfaction of our clients, we will take all the hassle out of the journey enabling you to enjoy it to the fullest. Kathmandu-based Ace Vision treks have a Clear Mission and Vision for service-oriented travel packages. 

12. Do you have a health and safety policy on the charity challenges?

Yes, we have strict health and safety policies for such occasions. If you are undertaking charity challenges whether it be a custom-made challenge or our group challenge, we make sure your safety is the first priority. Our staff will constantly monitor every aspect of our charity challenge while making sure you are healthy and fit for continuing the journey.

13. What if I have existing travel insurance coverage?

If you have existing travel insurance coverage, you need to make sure that the insurance coverage period has not expired. You also need to consult with your agency regarding their coverage while trekking in Nepal. You should also update the company about your day-to-day itinerary and make sure they cover rescue insurance in case of an emergency in the Himalayas.

14. I'm traveling alone. Do I need to pay a single supplementary?

Yes. If you wish to have a single room to yourself, most often than not, you will need to pay a single supplementary charge. The teahouses and lodges in Nepal generally offer twin beds and double rooms so you will have to pay a single supplementary. During the prime trekking seasons between the months of March to May and September to November, it can be challenging to have a private room all to yourself due to the sheer number of trekkers making the trip. However, we will try our best to ensure you get a private room.

15. Is it safe to book online through your booking form?

Yes, it is perfectly safe to book your trip through our online booking form. After submission, you will be contacted via the information left on the form for confirmation of your booking. You can also double-check directly with the company by contacting and asking about your booking. We also advise you to be careful when filling out the form and use the credentials as they are in your official documents.

16. Do I need to get a visa before landing or can I get it on arrival at the airport?

While it is advised to get your VISA from the Nepalese Embassy or consulate back in your home country, you can get an entry VISA at Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu. The VISAs are called on-arrival visas and, by filling out the application form, you can easily obtain them. Besides the international airport, you can also obtain a VISA at the entry/exit points on the Nepal-Tibet and Nepal-India borders. For more information regarding On Arrival VISAs, refer to the information on the official website of the Department of Immigration in Nepal.

17. How can I get to my arrival hotel or meeting point?

You will be welcomed by Ace Vision treks office representatives who will be holding a placard or a banner with the name of our company on it just outside the arrival lounge. Once you get in touch with our representatives, you will be driven directly to the hotel. From there, you will be in touch with us for further processing and plans.

18. How can I pay for the tour?

You will be asked to pay 20% of your total cost before your arrival in Nepal which will include domestic flight confirmation, hotel booking, and managing necessary permits. This needs to be directly deposited into our Ace Vision Treks & Tours account. The rest of 80% can be deposited into our account before you depart or can be handed directly to our office in cash or by cash swap.

19. What do I do in case of an emergency while on the Mountain or trekking?

In case of emergency cases like severe altitude sickness, our representatives will assess your condition and decide to either call or not call a rescue helicopter. You will be also taken to lower altitudes. If the rescue helicopter is called, our representative will head back with you and you will be directly admitted to the hospital.

We will be in constant communication with you and the trip leader and, in cases of any other unfortunate incidents, appropriate steps will be taken. Moreover, in places where cellular networks might not be available, we equip the trip leader with a satellite phone to make contact with us or the required body.

20. I'm a woman and I have heard horror tales about harassment in South Asia. Am I likely to face harassment in Nepal?

Nepal is a perfectly safe country to travel to and is very welcoming to tourists. The lodges and local people are welcoming to trekkers and we also make sure that every precaution is taken so that no cases of harassment arise during your trek. Nepalese culture highly regards women as creators and the people adhere to such values. So, you are perfectly safe to travel to Nepal. For this, the trip leader will be constantly checking in with the members of the trek.

21. Do I need a trekking permit while I Trekking in Nepal?

While the government of Nepal no longer asks for trekking permits while journeying into Everest, Annapurna, Langtang, and some other regions, there are restricted areas where you need to get additional permits. However, all trekkers are required to maintain a TIMS card which stands for the Trekkers Information Management System. We will help you to obtain any permits required for traveling across Nepal.

22. Why is Nepal such a fascinating country for many people?

Nepal is a diverse country for various reasons, beginning from the exquisite beauty of the Himalayas to the plain Terai. The local culture and religion offer a diverse taste in the local way of life depending on the area you are journeying on. The cities themselves are decorated with ancient art and architecture with several UNESCO World Heritage sites. With so much to see and do the nation attracts trekkers and adventurers alike.

23. I would like to come to Nepal for a week; I know the entry points to come to Nepal. Can you tell me the cost of a tourist visa?

 Tourist Visa in Nepal & Cost 

15-day visa = USD 30.
30-day visa = USD 50.
90-day visa = USD 125.

For additional information head to the official website of the Department of Immigration.

24. I am going to be in transit at the Tribhuvan International Airport of Kathmandu for some time. Do you think I will require a transit visa?

Foreign nationals seeking a Transit Visa for spending a night inside the country are required to obtain one by showing proof of transit i.e. Air Ticket. A 5 USD fee is charged for acquiring a transit visa and you can obtain one at the Transit Visa Desk at the Tribhuvan International Airport.

25. Can I use my credit card?

Yes. If your bank issues the standard VISA credit card, you can use the credit card for the transaction to carry out the required transactions. However, cities offer you the luxury of using a credit card, and remote regions of the country might not always accept your credit card. Banknotes of Nepalese currency are preferred methods of performing any sort of monetary transaction in such regions.

26. Are there ATMs in Nepal? Where I can draw funds from my home country's bank using my ATM card?

Yes. There are ATMs throughout the nation even more in the major cities. You can use your VISA Debit cards to withdraw funds from your home country's bank. While ATM services are also available in some remote regions, this might not always be the case. We advise you to prepare and draw funds before beginning the trip to rural areas of Nepal.

27. Besides Hiking and trekking in Nepal, what other things can I do and see in Nepal?

Besides hiking and trekking, you can journey to the major cities including Pokhara, Lumbini, Chitwan, and Kathmandu which offer you a variety of activities including wildlife safari, boating, and touring the UNESCO world heritage sites amongst others. You also engage in adventure sports including paragliding, bungee jumping, rafting, skydiving, zip-lining, and various other sports.

28. My kids are coming along with me to Nepal. Is there any interesting for them to do?

The nation is perfect for all age groups with activities tailored to all age groups. The city of Kathmandu is host to a number of fun parks, water parks, and zoos tailored for children. You can also head to the city of Pokhara which offers calming boat rides alongside the banks of Phewa Lake.  And the wildlife sightseeing at Chitwan can be a fun experience for the kids. Besides these, we also conduct children-friendly treks and hikes as well. If you make prior requests, we also make services like back riding and horse riding available.

29. How much does the accommodation cost?

Depending on the area you are traveling accommodation can cost you anything between NRS.2000 to NRS.5000 for one night. The rate, however, is variable in different locations and we are here to make sure that you get the best services at the best rate possible.

30. What kind of Nepalese food and other cuisines can I have during my trip to Nepal?

While the traditional "Dal Bhat" is the go-to for travelers in Nepal, there is a wide variety of food items you can choose from. You can also have Gundruk and Dhedo alongside several cuisines privy to the particular location. This, again, depends on the area you are journeying into as different regions boast different specialties. However, Momo: is the all-time favorite of the Nepalese across the country. There are plenty of ethnic cuisines belonging to Newari, Tharu, Gurung, Thakali, Sherpa, and Tamang origins.

31. How about internet access in Nepal?

You can easily access Communication in Nepal using Wi-Fi or the internet provided by Internet Service Providers. The nation still has hosts of cyber cafés with high-speed internet access.  And the hotels you will be staying in will also have free access to the Internet. Besides these, cellular data is also massively used and spread across the country. NTC and Ncell provide SIM cards at reasonable rates for this purpose. So, you will have no difficulty accessing the internet in Nepal.

32. How safe is Nepal? 

Nepal is a perfectly safe country for Backpacking and Hiking activities. The nation is very welcoming to tourists and trekkers standing true to its motto of "Atithi Devo Bhawa" which translates to guests are gods. The country is also safe to travel considering the infrastructures and the trekking routes heading up to the Himalayas. Your safety and security will be given the utmost care when you are traveling with us. If you follow the common and obvious rules of travel, you will be a part of an enchanting affair in Nepal.